Amanda L. Smith, LCSW
AMANDA L. Smith, LCSW, is the founder of Hope for BPD, an author, therapist and speaker.
She is the founder of Hope for BPD where she provides treatment consultation and case management for clients around the world. She also publishes My Dialectical Life--a daily email dedicated to DBT skills.
Her career in mental health began when she served as the executive director of the Pinellas County, Florida affiliate of the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI). In 2007, she founded Florida Borderline Personality Disorder Association—a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated towards providing advocacy, education, and support for persons diagnosed with BPD and their families.
Amanda received her MSW at Baylor University and is currently working as a DBT therapist in Waco, Texas. Amanda's website is HopeforBPD.