New Ways for Familes® Online Class + Coaching
Coparenting Course
A class for parents in divorce, separation and co-parenting.
Coparenting Online Class + Coaching
A unique class developed by Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq. of the High Conflict Institute for parents who want a life of peace instead of fighting in court. Learn conflict communication skills, including our popular BIFF Response® method for writing emails and text messages, and so much more. Take the online 6-session or 12-session class on your own, or with one of HCI’s highly qualified coaches who will guide you through the online class as you learn new conflict and relating skills. Also included are 4 sessions for you and your child to do together so they can learn the skills too.
This class is designed for every parents in any type of divorce and co-parenting situation and is designed specifically for high-conflict cases but works well for everyone.
“This class is widely ordered by judges. One judge orders most of her cases to attend . . . . because she has seen tremendous change in parents after taking it. ”
LMFT Manager, Family Court Services
Orange County, California
Course Details
12 hour course (8 hours course also available)
videos, reading, quizzes, journals, exercises
for married and never-married parents
addresses alienation and domestic violence
available in English and Spanish
Four basic relationship and conflict resolution skills
flexible thinking
managed emotions
moderate behaviors
checking yourself
immunize families from becoming high conflict
reduce existing conflict in cases already identified as "high conflict"
increase child's well-being
encourage settlement instead of litigation
effective client engagement & client management
Who Can Refer Clients To This Course?
family court judicial officers
Mental health professionals
forensic evaluators
parenting coordinators
family court services
any family law professional
If court-ordered, best results will occur if both parents complete Parenting Without Conflict at the beginning of the case. That way, both parents learn the skills necessary to manage their emotions and engage in the decision making process before conflict and emotions escalate. The course can be taken at any time, not just at the beginning of a case. It is helpful at any point.
Where is it being used?
New Ways for Families online parenting course is used in many jurisdictions in the U.S., Canada, Australia and other countries. The skills learned in this course are applicable in any system, jurisdiction and process because they teach new skills instead of focusing purely on child development and basic parenting.
Can it be used in high-conflict cases?
Because it is skills-based, it helps parents at any level of conflict learn new skill for coparenting and even basic parenting. It helps to calm potentially high-conflict cases before they go to court and make big decisions. Some jurisdictions routinely order all cases involving children to take the class because it helps calm everyone.
Can parents take this class voluntarily, without a court order?
Yes! They can sign up here. The skills learned will help each parent work more productively with professionals during the decision making process.
Is it research-based?
Yes, it is based on a wide range of ideas and research from different sources which are used to help families, including:
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
Child-Inclusive Mediation
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Who created Parenting Without Conflict?
Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq., co-founder and CINO of the High Conflict Institute, created this dynamic training for parents in a positive, “no blame, no shame” context that focuses on skills for successful future co-parenting—rather than focusing on bad past behavior.