Kenneth Waldron, PhD
KENNETH WALDRON is a psychologist at Monona Mediation and Counseling in Wisconsin. He specializes in child and adolescent psychology, particularly in divorce and family law.
Kenneth H. Waldron, Ph.D. is licensed psychologist and a Member in the firm of Monona Mediation and Counseling LLC, Monona, Wisconsin. His practice has been devoted to providing services to divorced/separated parents for over 35 years. Dr. Waldron has provided divorce mediation and arbitration, a range of programs for conflicted parents, including Structured Coparenting Counseling and Parenting Coordinator services, expert witness services, assessment and treatment of Parental Alienation Syndrome, and educational programs for divorcing parents. He has served as court appointed expert, performing custody studies and testifying to social science research in jurisdictions throughout the United States and in Canada. Ken has done research and has published broadly on topics related to children of divorce.
His latest books, co-authored with Allan Koritzinsky, Esq., is Game Theory and the Transformation of Family Law, in which the authors analyze traditional family law using game theory principles to help understand and explain why traditional family law often promotes rather than relieves family conflict, and, Winning Strategies in Divorce, which is a “how-to” apply game theory principles to case settlement. The authors also use game theory principles to propose alternative bargaining approaches, both in mediation and settlement bargaining, which increase effective communication and cooperation and increase the chance for optimal outcomes for both parties, and families when there are children. He has spoken to numerous groups of judges, attorneys, mediators and mental health providers nationwide, along with having made appearances on television, radio and participating in on-line interviews.
Ken has trained professionals across the country in Structured Coparenting Counseling and Structured Coparenting Training Classes, a specialized program for reducing parenting conflict and increasing effective communication and cooperation between separated parents. Ken has also published numerous articles, chiefly in legal journals, on general divorce related topics but also special topics such as post-divorce relocation. His most recent publication is a research article on Settlement Negotiations, co-authored by Attorney Gregg Herman, published in Wisconsin Lawyer. He also has two research articles pending publication, coauthored with Eileen McCarten, on Co-Parenting Conflict. He and his co-author, Attorney Allan Koritzinsky, offer free booklets to professionals and blogs to parents on co-parenting related subjects on the site, www.thedivorcedoctor.net.
Ken is a member of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC), has sat on the boards of the Eyes of the Child program development board, the Wisconsin Inter-professional Committee on Divorce (WIPCOD) and of the AFCC-Wisconsin Chapter. He is currently the editor of the AFCC-WI Newsletter. He is a trained mediator and has spoken to groups on advanced mediation principles in both state and national forums.