Lowen Clarke, PhD
Lowen Clarke, inventor of Empowerment Script™, has earned degrees in Classics, Divinity, Writing and Organisational Dynamics, and is completing a Doctorate in Therapeutic Arts Practice.
He is trained in clinical hypnotherapy and has researched the social and psychological aspects of trauma for many years. He is an ethicist with the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services Human Research Ethics Committee and a coach and has been a National Director for Schools Coaching in sport. His creativity and his wide diversity of interests enable him to work with individuals and groups in a way that they find affirming and empowering.
Lowen discovered, revived, and revised a method of writing and reading first developed and used by the ancient Greeks. The text is written from right to left on one line and left to right on the next.
Reading such a text requires bilateral eye movements, which have a calming and healing effect on the mind, particularly one that has been interrupted by trauma or dissociation. Mental health professionals who have used Empowerment Script™ with clients have found extremely positive effects.
Lowen lives in Maryborough, Australia, where he and his partner Adrian are restoring an historic factory as an arts and culture center. They also run an enterprise center that helps people transition to productivity. Lowen Clarke served on the National Trust W-class tram committee, which saved the Melbourne W-class tram fleet.